1. DO NOT BE AFRAID OF IT - Mind, ACAS and CIPD are all great sources of information. In talking to your staff member, understand if their stress is personal or work related
2. DO NOT IGNORE IT - talk to them!!!! maintain communication at least monthly if they are off. Get Occupational Health involved, or at least their agreement to obtain a medical report from the GP, so that you understand the medical opinion and can see suggested reasonable adjustments; and when they do return to work, carry out a return to work meeting with them
3. CREATE AN ACTION PLAN and MONITOR IT - depending on the outcome of points 1 & 2, you may wish to offer mediation, training, or to re-scope their role. You must ensure that both parties have clear expectations and do setup regular face to face meetings
4. CREATE A CULTURE OF ACCEPTANCE AND SUPPORT - Make mental health wellbeing part of your people strategy, consider Mental Health First Aider Training and most importantly remember we are all on the Mental Health Continuum ... we need to look after one another
Please contact me if you would like any support or training within your workplace dewaconsulting@gmail.com
